丛林书 - 第7部分

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读书了Richard Scott







“我在Bandar-log中看到Mowgli。他吩咐我告诉你。我看了。勇敢的日志让他超越了河流到猴子城 - 寒冷的骨头。他们可以留在那里,每晚或十晚或一小时。我告诉蝙蝠穿过黑暗的时间。这是我的消息。良好的狩猎,所有你在下面!“






“这是半夜的旅程 - 全速,”巴格尔莎说,鲍罗看起来很严肃。“我会尽可能快地去,”他焦急地说。


“脚或没有脚,我可以及时了解你的四个,”Kaa很快就说道。Baloo努力赶快,但不得不坐下气喘吁吁,所以他们留下了以后来了,而巴格尔莎匆匆向前,在快速的豹坎特。Kaa没有什么,但是,努力成为巴格尔莎可能,巨大的岩石蟒蛇和他一起举行了水平。当他们来到一只山溪流的时候,巴格尔莎获得了,因为他在Kaa Swam,他的头和两英尺的脖子上清除了水,但在水平地上kaa上了距离。



“蠕虫 - 地球 - 蠕虫,黄色靴子。”

A great roofless palace crowned the hill, and the marble of the courtyards and the fountains was split, and stained with red and green, and the very cobblestones in the courtyard where the king’s elephants used to live had been thrust up and apart by grasses and young trees. From the palace you could see the rows and rows of roofless houses that made up the city looking like empty honeycombs filled with blackness; the shapeless block of stone that had been an idol in the square where four roads met; the pits and dimples at street corners where the public wells once stood, and the shattered domes of temples with wild figs sprouting on their sides. The monkeys called the place their city, and pretended to despise the Jungle-People because they lived in the forest. And yet they never knew what the buildings were made for nor how to use them. They would sit in circles on the hall of the king’s council chamber, and scratch for fleas and pretend to be men; or they would run in and out of the roofless houses and collect pieces of plaster and old bricks in a corner, and forget where they had hidden them, and fight and cry in scuffling crowds, and then break off to play up and down the terraces of the king’s garden, where they would shake the rose trees and the oranges in sport to see the fruit and flowers fall. They explored all the passages and dark tunnels in the palace and the hundreds of little dark rooms, but they never remembered what they had seen and what they had not; and so drifted about in ones and twos or crowds telling each other that they were doing as men did. They drank at the tanks and made the water all muddy, and then they fought over it, and then they would all rush together in mobs and shout: “There is no one in the jungle so wise and good and clever and strong and gentle as the Bandar-log.” Then all would begin again till they grew tired of the city and went back to the tree-tops, hoping the Jungle-People would notice them.
二十个或三十只猴子偏离了他的坚果和野生舞曲。但他们摔倒在路上,回到水果剩下的东西太麻烦了。Mowgli疼痛和愤怒,饥饿,他越来越漫游,通过空洞的城市,让陌生人的狩猎召唤,但没有人回答他,而Mowgli则觉得他确实达到了一个非常糟糕的地方。“所有这一切都是勇敢的日志所说的,”他想自己。“他们没有法律,没有狩猎电话,没有领导者 - 只有愚蠢的话,只挑选他的手。所以,如果我在这里饿死或杀死,那将是我自己的错。但我必须尽量返回自己的丛林。鲍罗肯定会击败我,但这比追逐愚蠢的玫瑰离开,带着勇敢的日志。“

他刚走到城墙而不是猴子把他拉回来,​​告诉他他不知道他是多么快乐,并捏他让他感激不尽。他露出牙齿并没有说什么,但随着喊叫的猴子到一个半满雨水的红砂岩水库上方的露台。在露台的中心有一个破旧的夏季房屋的白色大理石,为百年多百年前为皇家死亡。圆顶屋顶有一半倒入并阻挡了宫殿的地下通道,通过该宫殿用来进入的女王。但是,墙壁是由大理石纹理 - 美丽的牛奶套装的屏幕制成的,与玛瑙和康奈尔和贾斯珀和贾斯珀和贾斯特拉·拉美里面制成,随着月亮在山丘后面闪耀着开放的工作,在地上铸造阴影黑色天鹅绒刺绣。疼痛,困倦,饥饿,穆格利在勇敢的日志开始,二十一次才能笑,告诉他他们是多么伟大和强烈,温柔,以及他希望离开多么愚蠢他们。“我们真棒。我们自由了。 We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true,” they shouted. “Now as you are a new listener and can carry our words back to the Jungle-People so that they may notice us in future, we will tell you all about our most excellent selves.” Mowgli made no objection, and the monkeys gathered by hundreds and hundreds on the terrace to listen to their own speakers singing the praises of the Bandar-log, and whenever a speaker stopped for want of breath they would all shout together: “This is true; we all say so.” Mowgli nodded and blinked, and said “Yes” when they asked him a question, and his head spun with the noise. “Tabaqui the Jackal must have bitten all these people,” he said to himself, “and now they have madness. Certainly this is dewanee, the madness. Do they never go to sleep? Now there is a cloud coming to cover that moon. If it were only a big enough cloud I might try to run away in the darkness. But I am tired.”

同样的云在城墙下面的毁灭沟里看了,为巴格尔达和凯阿来看,因为猴子 - 人们大量危险,不想冒任何风险。除非他们是百分之一,丛林照顾这些赔率,否则猴子永远不会战斗。

“我会去西墙,”Kaa低声说,“并迅速下来,在我的青睐中与地面的斜坡。他们不会把自己扔在我的数百,但是 - “


“留在那里,”猴子喊道,“直到我们杀死了你的朋友,后来我们将与你一起玩 - 如果毒药让你活着离开。”

Mowgli stood as quietly as he could, peering through the open work and listening to the furious din of the fight round the Black Panther—the yells and chatterings and scufflings, and Bagheera’s deep, hoarse cough as he backed and bucked and twisted and plunged under the heaps of his enemies. For the first time since he was born, Bagheera was fighting for his life.


Bagheera听到了,告诉他Mowgli的哭声是安全的,给了他新的勇气。他拼命地向储层拼凑而成,英寸,直行,沉默。然后从最近的被破坏的墙壁上升了隆隆的战争喊道。老熊做了最好的事情,但他不能来。“巴格尔莎,”他喊道,“我在这里。我爬!我急速!Ahuwora!石头在我的脚下滑动!等待我的来吧,o最臭名昭着的bandar-log!“ He panted up the terrace only to disappear to the head in a wave of monkeys, but he threw himself squarely on his haunches, and, spreading out his forepaws, hugged as many as he could hold, and then began to hit with a regular bat-bat-bat, like the flipping strokes of a paddle wheel. A crash and a splash told Mowgli that Bagheera had fought his way to the tank where the monkeys could not follow. The Panther lay gasping for breath, his head just out of the water, while the monkeys stood three deep on the red steps, dancing up and down with rage, ready to spring upon him from all sides if he came out to help Baloo. It was then that Bagheera lifted up his dripping chin, and in despair gave the Snake’s Call for protection—“We be of one blood, ye and I”—for he believed that Kaa had turned tail at the last minute. Even Baloo, half smothered under the monkeys on the edge of the terrace, could not help chuckling as he heard the Black Panther asking for help.

这是Rudyard Kipling的丛林书的第七集。


我要感谢Rory,他在5岁的时候和他的家人在加拿大那里支持帕勒顿的故事。他们告诉我们,他们在漫长的汽车旅行期间听到了许多故事,而在去年在家中在家里。谢谢Rory,Ewan,Lesley Harrington和Tolly

