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猫鼬这个令人兴奋和触摸的故事来自很棒丛林书经过拉迪亚德·吉卜林。这不是他更有着名的Mowgli故事之一,但都是关于勇敢的猫鼬。猫鼬是一种动物,看起来有点像猫和老鼠之间的十字架。猫鼬非常勇敢 - 以及好奇 - 他们对抗蛇。这个故事的英雄 - rikki-tikki-tavi - 与一个名叫泰迪的小男孩一样。在花园里,致命的眼镜蛇,唠叨和他的邪恶妻子,Nagaina ....第二部分在这里。


这是一个关于里基-提基-塔维在塞高利军营大平房的浴室里单兵作战的伟大战争的故事。裁缝鸟达齐帮助他,麝鼠丘春德拉给他出主意,但里基-提基真正地与他搏斗。他是一只猫鼬,从他的皮毛和尾巴上看,有点像一只小猫,但从他的头脑和习惯上看,又很像一只黄鼠狼。他的眼睛和不安的鼻尖都是粉红色的。他可以随心所欲地用任何一条腿挠自己的任何地方,不管是前面还是后面,只要他愿意。它可以把尾巴抖得像个瓶子刷,它在草丛中奔跑时发出的战斗叫声是:“立克-提克-提克-提克-提克!”一天,一场盛夏的洪水把他从他和父母住的洞穴里冲了出来,把他踢着、咯咯叫着冲进路边的水沟里。他发现有一小缕草漂浮在那里,他紧紧抓住它,直到失去知觉。当它苏醒过来的时候,已经躺在花园小路的正中央,在烈日下淋得浑身湿透。有个小男孩说:“这儿有只死猫鼬。”我们来办个葬礼吧。” "No," said his mother, "let's take him in and dry him. Perhaps he isn't really dead." They took him into the house, and a big man picked him up between his finger and thumb and said he was not dead but half choked. So they wrapped him in cotton wool, and warmed him over a little fire, and he opened his eyes and sneezed. "Now," said the big man (he was an Englishman who had just moved into the bungalow), "don't frighten him, and we'll see what he'll do." It is the hardest thing in the world to frighten a mongoose, because he is eaten up from nose to tail with curiosity. The motto of all the mongoose family is "Run and find out," and Rikki-tikki was a true mongoose. He looked at the cotton wool, decided that it was not good to eat, ran all round the table, sat up and put his fur in order, scratched himself, and jumped on the small boy's shoulder. "Don't be frightened, Teddy," said his father.


rikki-tikki看着男孩的衣领和脖子之间,鼻子在他的耳朵之间,爬到地上,在那里他坐着揉鼻子。“善良,”泰迪的母亲说:“这是一个狂野的生物!我想他是如此驯服,因为我们对他很友好。”“所有的猫鼬都是那样的,”她的丈夫说。“如果泰迪没有被尾巴捡起他,或者试图把他放在笼子里,他会整天都在房子里奔跑。让我们给他吃点东西。”他们给了他一点生肉。Rikki-Tikki非常喜欢它,当他完成后,他进入了阳台,坐在阳光下,摧毁了他的皮毛,让它变得干到根部。然后他觉得更好。“在这所房子里有更多的事情可以找到,”他对自己说:“而不是我的所有家人都能在他们所有的生活中找到。我肯定会留下来看。”他花了那天漫游在房子里。他几乎淹没在浴缸里,把鼻子放在书写桌上的墨水里,并在大人雪茄的尽头烧毁它,因为他爬上大人的膝盖,看看如何写作。 At nightfall he ran into Teddy's nursery to watch how kerosene lamps were lighted, and when Teddy went to bed Rikki-tikki climbed up too. But he was a restless companion, because he had to get up and attend to every noise all through the night, and find out what made it. Teddy's mother and father came in, the last thing, to look at their boy, and Rikki-tikki was awake on the pillow. "I don't like that," said Teddy's mother. "He may bite the child." "He'll do no such thing," said the father. "Teddy's safer with that little beast than if he had a bloodhound to watch him. If a snake came into the nursery now--" But Teddy's mother wouldn't think of anything so awful. Early in the morning Rikki-tikki came to early breakfast in the veranda riding on Teddy's shoulder, and they gave him banana and some boiled egg. He sat on all their laps one after the other, because every well-brought-up mongoose always hopes to be a house mongoose some day and have rooms to run about in; and Rikki-tikki's mother (she used to live in the general's house at Segowlee) had carefully told Rikki what to do if ever he came across white men. Then Rikki-tikki went out into the garden to see what was to be seen. It was a large garden, only half cultivated, with bushes, as big as summer-houses, of Marshal Niel roses, lime and orange trees, clumps of bamboos, and thickets of high grass. Rikki-tikki licked his lips. "This is a splendid hunting-ground," he said, and his tail grew bottle-brushy at the thought of it, and he scuttled up and down the garden, snuffing here and there till he heard very sorrowful voices in a thorn-bush. It was Darzee, the Tailorbird, and his wife. They had made a beautiful nest by pulling two big leaves together and stitching them up the edges with fibers, and had filled the hollow with cotton and downy fluff. The nest swayed to and fro, as they sat on the rim and cried. "What is the matter?" asked Rikki-tikki. "We are very miserable," said Darzee. "One of our babies fell out of the nest yesterday and Nag ate him." "H'm!" said Rikki-tikki, "that is very sad--but I am a stranger here. Who is Nag?" Darzee and his wife only cowered down in the nest without answering, for from the thick grass at the foot of the bush there came a low hiss--a horrid cold sound that made Rikki-tikki jump back two clear feet. Then inch by inch out of the grass rose up the head and spread hood of Nag, the big black cobra, and he was five feet long from tongue to tail. When he had lifted one-third of himself clear of the ground, he stayed balancing to and fro exactly as a dandelion tuft balances in the wind, and he looked at Rikki-tikki with the wicked snake's eyes that never change their expression, whatever the snake may be thinking of. "Who is Nag?" said he. "I am Nag. The great God Brahm put his mark upon all our people, when the first cobra spread his hood to keep the sun off Brahm as he slept. Look, and be afraid!" He spread out his hood more than ever, and Rikki-tikki saw the spectacle-mark on the back of it that looks exactly like the eye part of a hook-and-eye fastening. He was afraid for the minute, but it is impossible for a mongoose to stay frightened for any length of time, and though Rikki-tikki had never met a live cobra before, his mother had fed him on dead ones, and he knew that all a grown mongoose's business in life was to fight and eat snakes. Nag knew that too and, at the bottom of his cold heart, he was afraid. "Well," said Rikki-tikki, and his tail began to fluff up again, "marks or no marks, do you think it is right for you to eat fledglings out of a nest?" Nag was thinking to himself, and watching the least little movement in the grass behind Rikki-tikki. He knew that mongooses in the garden meant death sooner or later for him and his family, but he wanted to get Rikki-tikki off his guard. So he dropped his head a little, and put it on one side. "Let us talk," he said.



“邪恶,邪恶的Darzee!”唠叨说,尽管他可以到达荆棘丛中的巢穴。但是Darzee已经建造了它的蛇,它只摇晃而来。rikki-tikki觉得他的眼睛生长红色和热烈(当猫鼬的眼睛变红时,他生气了),他像小袋鼠一样坐在尾巴和后腿上,看着他全部围绕着他,并咆哮着愤怒。但是nag和nagaina已经消失在草丛中。当蛇错过了中风时,它从未说过任何东西或给出任何一个迹象,这意味着下一步。Rikki-Tikki并不关心他们,因为他不觉得他能立即管理两条蛇。所以他小跑到房子附近的砾石路径,坐下来思考。这对他来说是一个严肃的问题。如果你读过旧书的自然历史书籍,你会发现他们说,当猫鼬打蛇时,他碰巧咬伤时,他跑了一些治疗他的草本植物。 That is not true. The victory is only a matter of quickness of eye and quickness of foot--snake's blow against mongoose's jump--and as no eye can follow the motion of a snake's head when it strikes, this makes things much more wonderful than any magic herb. Rikki-tikki knew he was a young mongoose, and it made him all the more pleased to think that he had managed to escape a blow from behind. It gave him confidence in himself, and when Teddy came running down the path, Rikki-tikki was ready to be petted. But just as Teddy was stooping, something wriggled a little in the dust, and a tiny voice said: "Be careful. I am Death!" It was Karait, the dusty brown snakeling that lies for choice on the dusty earth; and his bite is as dangerous as the cobra's. But he is so small that nobody thinks of him, and so he does the more harm to people. Rikki-tikki's eyes grew red again, and he danced up to Karait with the peculiar rocking, swaying motion that he had inherited from his family. It looks very funny, but it is so perfectly balanced a gait that you can fly off from it at any angle you please, and in dealing with snakes this is an advantage.

如果rikki-tikki才知道,他正在做一个比战斗唠叨更危险的事情,因为卡拉太小了,并且可以如此迅速转,除非rikki咬他靠近头部的后面,他会得到回报他的眼睛或他的嘴唇中风。但rikki不知道。他的眼睛都是红色的,他来回摇晃着,寻找一个良好的持有场所。卡拉袭击了。rikki横向跳跃,试图跑进,但邪恶的小尘土灰色头部在肩膀的一小部分内鞭打,他不得不跳过身体,头部跟随他的脚跟关闭。泰迪向房子喊道:“哦,看这里!我们的猫鼬正在杀死一条蛇。”rikki-tikki听到了泰迪的母亲的尖叫声。他的父亲用一根棍子跑出来,但到了他提出的时间,卡羚曾经过得太远了,rikki-tikki涌现出来,跳上了蛇的背部,落在他的前肢之间,咬住了,咬住了高涨因为他可以持有,然后滚开。 That bite paralyzed Karait, and Rikki-tikki was just going to eat him up from the tail, after the custom of his family at dinner, when he remembered that a full meal makes a slow mongoose, and if he wanted all his strength and quickness ready, he must keep himself thin. He went away for a dust bath under the castor-oil bushes, while Teddy's father beat the dead Karait. "What is the use of that?" thought Rikki-tikki. "I have settled it all;" and then Teddy's mother picked him up from the dust and hugged him, crying that he had saved Teddy from death, and Teddy's father said that he was a providence, and Teddy looked on with big scared eyes. Rikki-tikki was rather amused at all the fuss, which, of course, he did not understand. Teddy's mother might just as well have petted Teddy for playing in the dust. Rikki was thoroughly enjoying himself. That night at dinner, walking to and fro among the wine-glasses on the table, he might have stuffed himself three times over with nice things. But he remembered Nag and Nagaina, and though it was very pleasant to be patted and petted by Teddy's mother, and to sit on Teddy's shoulder, his eyes would get red from time to time, and he would go off into his long war cry of "Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!" Teddy carried him off to bed, and insisted on Rikki-tikki sleeping under his chin. Rikki-tikki was too well bred to bite or scratch, but as soon as Teddy was asleep he went off for his nightly walk round the house, and in the dark he ran up against Chuchundra, the musk-rat, creeping around by the wall. Chuchundra is a broken-hearted little beast. He whimpers and cheeps all the night, trying to make up his mind to run into the middle of the room. But he never gets there. "Don't kill me," said Chuchundra, almost weeping. "Rikki-tikki, don't kill me!" "Do you think a snake-killer kills muskrats?" said Rikki-tikki scornfully.

“那些杀死蛇的人被蛇杀死了,”楚科拉拉比以往任何时候都更悲伤地说。“我如何确定唠叨不会让你误以为你有些黑夜?”“危险并非危险,”Rikki-Tikki说。“但是唠叨在花园里,我知道你不会去那里。”“我堂兄的大鼠,老鼠告诉我 - ”楚科拉拉说,然后他停了下来。

“告诉你什么?”“H 'sh !到处都是唠叨,里基-提基。你应该在花园里跟蔡美儿谈谈。”“我没有——所以你得告诉我。快点,楚春德拉,不然我就咬你!”

楚春德拉坐下来,哭得眼泪从胡须上滚落下来。“我是个很穷的人,”他抽泣着说。“我从来没有足够的勇气跑到房间中央。H 'sh !我什么也不能告诉你。你听不见吗,里基-提基?”Rikki-tikki听着。屋子里依旧寂静无声,但他觉得自己能捕捉到世界上最微弱的刮擦声——一种像黄蜂在窗玻璃上行走一样微弱的声音——一种蛇鳞在砖墙上干干净净的刮擦声。“那是纳格或纳伽,”他自言自语地说,“他正爬进浴室的水闸里去。你是对的,Chuchundra; I should have talked to Chua." He stole off to Teddy's bath-room, but there was nothing there, and then to Teddy's mother's bathroom. At the bottom of the smooth plaster wall there was a brick pulled out to make a sluice for the bath water, and as Rikki-tikki stole in by the masonry curb where the bath is put, he heard Nag and Nagaina whispering together outside in the moonlight. "When the house is emptied of people," said Nagaina to her husband, "he will have to go away, and then the garden will be our own again. Go in quietly, and remember that the big man who killed Karait is the first one to bite. Then come out and tell me, and we will hunt for Rikki-tikki together."


“一切。当平房没有人的时候,我们在花园里有任何猫鼬吗?只要简易别墅是空的,我们就是花园的王和女王;并记住我们在甜瓜床上的鸡蛋孵化(假日可能),我们的孩子需要房间和安静。““我没有想到这一点,”唠叨说。“我会去,但是我们之后没有必要追捕rikki-tikki。我会杀死大男人和他的妻子,如果我能忍受,然后静静地离开。然后简易别墅将是空的,rikki-tikki将走吧。“rikki-tikki在这愤怒和仇恨的愤怒和仇恨各地刺痛,然后唠叨的头穿过水闸,他的五英尺冷的寒冷的身体跟随它。他的生气,Rikki-Tikki非常害怕,因为他看到了大眼镜蛇的大小。唠叨卷起了自己,抬起头,在黑暗中看着浴室,rikki可以看到他的眼睛闪闪发光。“现在,如果我在这里杀了他,那么Nagaina会知道;如果我在开放的地板上致力于他,那么赔率就是他的青睐。我该怎么办?”rikki-tikki-tavi说。 Nag waved to and fro, and then Rikki-tikki heard him drinking from the biggest water-jar that was used to fill the bath. "That is good," said the snake.

